Creator's Page

Coding Club

Girls Who Code was founded in 2012 by Reshma Saujani. Her main goal is to close the gender gap in computer
science. Currently there is 90,000 diverse girls from all 50 states involved. Girls Who Code hopes to close the gender
gap in technology by 2027!

About Us!


Tessa has a love for music and plays both the flute and the piccolo in advanced band. Her favorite color is periwinkle. Teambuilding, english class and burritos are all things she likes When she grows up she wants to a therapist.Tessa's favorite animal is a cat, specifically her cat, which sometimes acts like a ferret!


Taylor is an aspiring young actress who loves to land a lead in a show and hopes to one day be on Broadway. When she grows up, she wants to be a Speech Language Pathologist and work with small children. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite sport is karate, in which she holds a brown belt. Taylor's favorite animal is a dog (or a cat), or pretty much any animal that cuddles!


Kayla absolutly loves to read. She can read up to three books per day! But when she is not reading, she is doing athletic activities such as swim team, where she usually comes in first in her events. She did cross country, which ended in the fall and she will continue next year. She also does drama club and wants to be an author and guidance consuler when she grows up. Kayla's favorite animals are horses and dogs. She is very talkative as long as you don't give her a book!


Emily has a very science minded brain. As of now, she wants to be a bionic vet, orthadontist, and an acountant. Emily loves animals and this is what makes her a good canidate to be a bionic vet to help animals in need. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite subject at school is math because she does not appreciate learning grammer for language arts. Her favorite animals are dogs, cats, horses, and dolphins. Often, she pretends to be a cat to get us to laugh!


Charlotte has many things she is interested in. For starters, she does Math Counts, a math club that works towards a big competion. She also does Rubics club, where she solves the rubics cube in 1:18.777 seconds. Fast times are her goal on Swim team, and of course, she participates in Coding Club. Her favorite word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. As for her favorite animal, she is undecided. But she likes cats, and that's that!


Kate enjoys facilitating the Girls Who Code Club as well as crosstiching and hiking. Her favorite color is green and her favorite book is Little Women. Her favorite subject is language arts. Minerva and Jax are Kate's two cats. Minerva sleeps, and Jax attaks Minerva! But cats are just too cute! Though Kate has two cats, turtles are still Kate's favorite animal.